Importer and Distributors of quality products to industry
CODIPRO from Luxemborg manufacture Europe’s “Premium Top Quality” Lifting Rings, Eye Bolts and Safety Anchor Points for day to day and high risk industries including Mining, Offshore, Petrochemical, Construction, Transportation, Special Projects, Height Safety etc..
Exceeds International EN1677 Standards with Codipro releasing a brand new product range in January 2018 which includes an increase of WLL on some sizes, anti-corrosion coating, tightening torque marked on lifting points and the presence of both factor 4 :1 and 5 :1 in our data sheets.
CODIPRO – 7 YEAR Factory Warranty
CODIPRO specialize in major projects for unique applications world wide with a wide range of options and services available.
* High quality products, patented and certified..
* A Multilingual team available for any questions.. (Phone +352 26 81 54-1 or Email [email protected])
* Design and certification by “In-house” research and development department..
* Ongoing training provided by CODIPRO technical and sales engineers..
DNV Approved Range of DSR Lifting Swivel Eye Bolts in Metric & UNC Threads..
Simply click on the CODIPRO logo at the bottom of the page to go directly to their very informative website..
CODIPRO Product Certification is now easily accessible 24/7 online with their CODITRACER at
Showing all 14 results
* Unique Identification
* Manufactured “Inhouse” Luxembourg
* International Standards EN1677-1
* Full Factory Traceability
* Certificate supplied with Product
* Huge 5:1 Safety Factor
* 180 Degree Pivot Under Load
* 360 Degree Swivel Under Load
* Listed WLL at 0 & 90 Degrees
* Quality Grade AISI316L
* FULLY “Load Rated” for Lifting Applications
* Unique Identification Number
* Exceeds EN1677 Standards
* Very High 5:1 Safety Factor
* Swivelling Under Load
* Certificate Supplied with Ring
* Listed WLL at 0 & 90 Degrees
Click On “DOWNLOAD” for dimensions and welding instructions
* Unique Identification Number
* Exceeds EN1677 Standards
* Very High 5:1 Safety Factor
* Swivelling Under Load
* Certificate Supplied with Ring
* Listed WLL at 0 & 90 Degrees
Click On “DOWNLOAD” for dimensions and welding instructions
Contact us or CODIPRO today for a quote on your special project.
Contact us or CODIPRO today to quote for your special lifting ring project..
The universal Swivel Shackle Giga DSS has been especially developped for lifting and turning loads up to 125 tons with swivel lifting rings.
The universal swivel shackle Giga DSS can be used directly with the hook of the traveling crane.
Click “DOWNLOAD” to view Data Sheet
Contact us or CODIPRO today for a quote on your special project.
The universal Swivel Shackle Mega DSS has been especially developped for lifting and turning loads up to 50 tons with swivel lifting rings.
The universal swivel shackle Mega DSS can be used directly with the hook of the traveling crane.
Click on “DOWNLOAD” to view Data Sheet
With a high WLL per lifting ring, the female double swivel shackle FE.DSS UP has been especially designed for liftings and turnings of heavy loads. It can be used with threaded parts in different lengths.
Marked with 5:1 Safety Factor Rating
Contact us today for a quote to indent as per your requirements..
Click on “DOWNLOAD” to view Data Sheet
* Unique Identification
* Manufactured “Inhouse” Luxembourg
* International Standards EN1677-1
* Full Factory Traceability
* Certificate supplied with Product
* Huge 5:1 Safety Factor
* 180 Degree Pivot Under Load
* 360 Degree Swivel Under Load
* Listed WLL at 0 & 90 Degrees
CODIPRO Manufacturer 7 Year Warranty
* Unique Identification
* Manufactured “Inhouse” Luxembourg
* International Standards EN1677-1
* Full Factory Traceability
* Certificate supplied with Product
* Huge 5:1 Safety Factor
* 180 Degree Pivot Under Load
* 360 Degree Swivel Under Load
* Listed WLL at 0 & 90 Degrees
* Unique Identification
* Manufactured “Inhouse” Luxembourg
* International Standards EN1677-1
* Full Factory Traceability
* Certificate supplied with Product
* Huge 5:1 Safety Factor
* 360 Degree Under Load
* Listed WLL at 0 & 90 Degrees
CODIPRO Manufacturer 7 Year Warranty
Exclusively designed and rated for “Height Safety” anchrage single person applications
* Manufactured “Inhouse” Luxembourg
* International Standards EN 795 2012
* Full Factory Traceability
* Unique ID Number
* Certificate supplied with Product
* 360 Degree Under Load Rating
Fast Action at the push of a button…
Upto 80% Quicker as In/Out in just seconds…
Safety Factor 5:1
Delivery is currently 5-7 working days
ex-Codipro Factory Luxembourg
Watch Video:
* Unique Identification
* Manufactured “Inhouse” Luxembourg
* International Standards EN1677-1
* Full Factory Traceability
* Certificate supplied with Product
* Huge 5:1 Safety Factor
* 180 Degree Pivot Under Load
* 360 Degree Swivel Under Load
* Listed WLL at 0 & 90 Degrees
* Unique Identification
* Manufactured “Inhouse” Luxembourg
* International Standards EN1677-1
* Full Factory Traceability
* Certificate supplied with Product
* Huge 5:1 Safety Factor
* 360 Degree Under Load
* Listed WLL at 0 & 90 Degrees